Real Cyber-Security for Family

AIO has managed technology and protected businesses for more than 30 years. We have now created a solution for families that provides what is really needed to prevent cyber-security events in your home. 

Most breaches and ID Theft events start on personal devices like home computers and personal cell phones. Many times these are shared devices, among members of the family and friends.

We can protect those devices from threats, and we can educate your family with powerful knowledge to instantly recognize when something or someone is threatening you. In every Cyber-security conference we attend where FBI and Homeland Security are presenting information about our threat landscape, the largest challenge we face always comes up:

How do we educate and protect end users from themselves?

AIO has developed this solution to do 3 things:

  1. Provide Enterprise level device management and protection to home users.
  2. Provide Awareness Training to provide parents and their children with the skills to recognize threats and provide a safer home using digital parental tools.
  3. Provide Parents with some advice on how to manage technology in their home to promote a healthy & loving family.

Taming Technology at Home

Step 1 – Cyber-security Family Training

You and your family take the courses together. Learn the basics together and talk about what you learned. The threat is real and the front-line to stopping them from stealing from you is understanding how they get into your life through technology, what they expect you to do, and how to stop them before they embed themselves into your life and the lives of your children. 

Hackers are operating on a level most don’t even understand unless you look at the entire picture to understand how they are going after our children even before they become adults. Arm yourself with this knowledge and protect their future.

Step 2 – Watch the Sessions for Parents

As parents, we want the best for our kids. We are faced with larger challenges than ever before because most kids now possess what is effectively a digital video studio and global communication device. 

There are tools and practices to help us tame this, manage it and teach our kids how to be responsible, to respect the technology. To use it in a way that improves their life instead of taking away from it. Our series for parents helps you do that and create more quality family time.

Our children learn from us as parents whether we like what they learn or not. Let’s teach them something valuable!

Step 3 – Implement What You Learned

Change is hard. What we teach may not make you popular with your kids. Done correctly, we have seen these practices rebuild families, protect them and teach their kids real life lessons that they will bring with them into a dangerous globally connected world.

Most cyber-crimes could have prevented by being armed with the knowledge we are sharing. It’s not hard, but if you understand the threat, how they attack us, and how to prevent it, you no longer end up a victim. Start being part of the solution and cease being the victim of the crime.

Simple All-in-One Plans for Families