“74% of Windows PC owners use whatever is preinstalled on the computer when they buy it. 88% of Apple Mac owners don’t use any protection at all because they believe Ransomware won’t affect them.”

Hackers slip right by these retail software products 94% of the time and for the last 3 years, Ransomware attacks run on Apple Macs too! Attacks on Apple OSX are up 662%.

You need more than software to stop hackers. Here a few reasons they fail…

Are you falling for today’s Antivirus software myth?

Most people do because they just don’t know any better.

For decades, free and pre-installed antivirus software has been marketed as superior protection for your computers.

But here’s the reality; antivirus hasn’t really advanced over time – and when compared to today’s standards, stop just 6% of current hacking attempts.

Your money, memories and privacy deserve better.

Based on the Past

Antivirus programs are taught to protect us by using known threat databases. These do not account for all the variations and zero-day exploits that are currently being used by Hackers.

Doesn’t include a Backup Plan

Services like OneDrive, Dropbox and iCloud are NOT backup solutions, they are file sharing platforms and usually will spread the problem across multiple PCs.

They do not protect your data from hackers.

Training is Critical to Protection

9 out of 10 breaches start from an employee being caught in a phishing scam. Training is the only way to address this problem.

Monitoring is Mandatory

No Antivirus software includes 24/7 monitoring by cybersecurity experts. We do. Study show that the most effective prevention involves trained professionals.

No way to manage your PC

Managing and updating a PC is another way we help protect you. Studies have shown that many Hackers use the vulnerabilities in out-of-date PCs to hack in.

How do you get protected?

That’s easy! Just tell us about you and answer a few questions …